Friday, October 10, 2008

Thoughts on life....

You know, roads get tough huh? If there are only a few things in the world that interconnect everybody one would have to be pain.  I sincerely believe that pain usually is the starting point of amazing change. In James we are told trials bring about perseverance. 

The last few months have honestly been a roller coaster. I am now married to the most beautiful person on the planet. My wedding day was, without a doubt, the best day of my life! Then within 2 weeks the worst day of my life occurred but God has taught me a lot through this situation. I will leave you with a song I wrote about the book of James and making it through trials. Come back soon because Ill post more on the weeks after my marriage and what happened and how God allowed me to persevere. This sing is called I Am At Your Mercy, or as Michael Head would say, The James Song...

"Here I am again broken at Your feet.
Here I am again and I want the world to see that,

I am at your mercy, yes I am at Your mercy

Broken weary and hurt I fall down on my knees
Amazing and beautiful, Your right there on Your knees with me

I am at Your mercy, yes I am at Your mercy

I need You, I trust You, I chose to be for You

Here we are again broken at Your feet 
Here we are again unashamed and want the world to see that

We are at your mercy, yes we are at God's mercy."

This song will be on my next album without a doubt and until then check out Itunes and look up my cd under Joshua Price, 'Hopefully Unfinished.' You can take a listen to a coupld songs on